Chicken Limone Salad

chicken breast into slices, 30 oz
green pepper, 1
yellow pepper, 1
lemon, 2
mint leaves, 6
bread crumbs, 3,5 oz
extra virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
mustard, 1/2 teaspoon
Image result for chicken limone salad
Preheat the grill to the highest temperature.
Wash and dry the peppers. Cook them on the grid covered with a sheet of aluminum. Roast them on all sides. Once dark outside, put them in a paper bag and let stand. Then peel, slice and set aside.
A few hours before preparing the dish, marinate the chicken with the lemon juice, one tablespoon of oil and broken bay leaf.
Once the chicken breasts are marinated, cook them on the hot grill, until golden brown on both sides. Let cool and then cut into strips.
Chop the bread and fry in a nonstick frying pan with two tablespoons of oil, until crispy.
Compose the salad in a large bowl putting the chicken breasts and peppers; seasoning with salt and pepper, adding the juice and zest of lemon, mint leaves, mustard. Stir well. Complete adding crisp bread.


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